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Why You Should Avoid ‘Flight Risk’ This January

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January is often a time when movies that don’t seem to fit anywhere else are released, and Flight Risk is a perfect example of why this reputation exists. It’s a mix of thriller and comedy, starring Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, and Topher Grace. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do either genre well. Instead, the movie ends up being a chaotic, forgettable mess. Here’s why you should skip this one.

The Plot: A Plane, a Fugitive, and a Crazy Pilot

Flight Risk starts off with a simple story: Michelle Dockery plays a U.S. Marshal who is transporting a fugitive (Topher Grace) to Anchorage to testify against the mob. They need a pilot to help them get there quickly, and that’s where Mark Wahlberg comes in, playing an unstable, unpredictable pilot. As you can expect, things quickly go wrong as not everyone is who they seem to be. Wahlberg’s character is a wild card who adds tension to the story, but his performance feels more silly than scary.

The Tone: A Confusing Mix of Everything

One of the biggest problems with Flight Risk is that it can’t decide what it wants to be. Dockery plays her role seriously, like an action hero, while Grace tries to bring humor with sarcastic one-liners that feel more suited for a comedy show than a thriller. Wahlberg’s character is the weirdest—sometimes he’s menacing, and other times he’s just strange. At one point, he’s playing a New Order song while being cruel to others, and in another scene, he’s wearing a ridiculous wig. The movie’s tone is all over the place, making it hard to take anything seriously.

The pacing is also off. There are intense shootouts mixed with bad jokes about Spirit Airlines and weird puns. The result is a movie that doesn’t know if it wants to be an action thriller or a comedy. It ends up failing at both.

A Missed Opportunity for the Director

Flight Risk is directed by Mel Gibson, who hasn’t been behind the camera for almost ten years. While his direction isn’t terrible, it doesn’t improve the movie at all. Most of the action takes place inside a cramped cargo plane, with occasional shots of the beautiful Alaskan landscape. This could have built a sense of tension, but instead, the film feels repetitive. Sometimes, the camera is too close, focusing too much on Dockery’s bruises instead of the actual story.

Moments That Are So Bad, They’re Funny

There are moments in Flight Risk that might make you laugh, but not because they’re funny—because they’re so poorly done. Wahlberg’s character seems obsessed with bathroom humor, and there are several scenes where peeing or crude jokes take center stage. One line, after a stressful flying sequence, involves a character saying they have a “Museum of Modern Art in my pants.” These attempts at humor feel awkward and don’t really add anything to the plot.

A Bad Attempt at Suspense

As the film goes on, Dockery’s character uncovers a huge government conspiracy, using only her cellphone and her suspicions—while flying a small plane over Alaska’s icy wilderness. This part of the film is almost impossible to believe and just adds to the absurdity. At one point, Dockery even starts a flirtatious conversation over the radio with another pilot who’s supposed to help them land the plane. This romance, in the middle of a life-or-death situation, just doesn’t make sense.

A Messy Movie

Flight Risk tries to mix action, comedy, and thriller elements, but it ends up being a confusing, forgettable movie. The performances are all over the place, and the tone is inconsistent. Wahlberg’s character is weirdly interesting but in a bad way, and the humor doesn’t land at all. Directed by Mel Gibson, the film fails to create the intense, thrilling experience it tries to. If you’re looking for a good movie this January, Flight Risk should definitely be avoided.


Q: What is Flight Risk about?

A: Flight Risk is about a U.S. Marshal (Michelle Dockery) who is transporting a fugitive (Topher Grace) to Anchorage to testify against the mob. They hire an unstable pilot (Mark Wahlberg) to help them, and things go wrong quickly.

Q: Is the movie more of a thriller or a comedy?

A: The movie tries to be both but fails at both. It mixes dark action scenes with forced humor, which makes the tone confusing and hard to follow.

Q: Who directs Flight Risk?

A: Flight Risk is directed by Mel Gibson, who is returning to directing after almost ten years.

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